Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is working at home, for you?

Well, that's what we're here for. There's plenty of posts/threads on the Jobs Based From Home forum that allow you to find out for yourself, whether working at home is for you or not. And if it is, tips on making arrangements suchas having kids. Organization, Materials, everything you would need to make yourself comfortable, and enjoy your work at home experience. Pros and Cons of working from home.

I, myself..having experienced working at home, I'm pretty sure you won't see me yelling in traffic, trying to get to work on time every morning, seeing the gas station twice a week, and by the end of the week, I'm so drained that I don't even want to enjoy my weekend, for quite awhile. There's plenty of benefits of working from home, so feel free to check out the forums for everything you'd want to know, or questions you might have.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Special categories?

Correct! Jobs Based From Home, LLC. decided to put together a section on their site specifically for disabled workers. Needless to say this entire section, which is featured right at the top of our database, focuses on the assistance needed for people with disabilities to retain your freedom and be able to work from the comfort and safety of your own home. Financial Assitance, Jobs Search Assistance, Jobs Support, and even Training Assitance. Everything you basically need to get your job at home, and in success doing so.

This is a unique and helpful way to ensure not only that we here at Jobs Based From Home are searching for newer advantages for everyone, but also providing caring and helpful services for all. For more information, check out

If you'd like to read Jobs Based From Homes blog about this, try

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's possible

Working at home isn't impossible. When I tell people about my job, they think I'm lying.

My name's Steve, and I've been working at home for about 4 months now, and the requirements are basically everything I've been doing for years. I'm constantly on the computer, but never really did much with the skills I had, to get any sort of income or even make a living out of it. I was always told when I was younger, to get a job working with computers. I never really put thought into it, so here I was doing all of this manual labor from age 17-20, barely making it. My most recent ex-job, was at Lowes unloading 54 foot trucks full of boxes every night making a wopping 7.50 an hour. While I was working there, my mom was a work at home mom. I was always joking with her saying "I need a job like yours, haha". Then one day, it hit me. I want a job like hers. So, I asked her how I can go about this, and it was easier than I could've imagined. From what I've experienced while working at home, I've gained a lot more knowledge than I thought I could, which is why I'm here helping others to find ways to get the same opportunity I did., LLC was formed by a group of people that have worked from home successfully. These people are putting forth the effort to provide you with current information, and will be periodically updating the book and releasing the eBook version FREE to anyone that has a current membership in their database. For further details, check out .